Jamie trained at East 15 Acting School in London.

Jamie’s credits include Prince Eric in Unfortunate: The Untold Story of Ursula the Sea Witch (2022 UK tour); Orson Bloom in Vulvarine: A New Musical (King's Head Theatre and UK tour); Graham in Buzz: A New Musical (Pleasance); Reverend Hare in Waiter, There's a Murder in my Soup! (Troubadour Wembley Park); Tom in Tom and Bunny Save the World (Assembly and UK tour) and Beau in Beauty and the Beast: A Musical Parody (King's Head Theatre and UK tour).

Other theatre credits include Banquo in Macbeth (The Young Shakespeare Company UK tour). Jamie has also appeared in several television commercials, including ads for Amazon and KFC.

Jamie is loving this adventure… but not as much as Eric loves his hair!

Instagram: @jamie_mawson