What's On

The Duke

Presented by SDJ Productions

Tickets £12.50 | £10.50

A black and white image. Shon Dale-Jones, a white man in his mid 40s is stood infront of a white background. We see him from the shoulders up and he has his head titled to the side and is looking straight into the camera, looking slightly puzzled.

0 Stars

Legend of the Edinburgh Festival

The Guardian

By Shôn Dale Jones

Funny, poignant and playful ,the Fringe First winning show weaves together the tragi-comic fate of a family heirloom –a porcelain figure of The Duke of Wellington, the quandary of a scriptwriter stretching his integrity and an unfolding disaster as thousands of children flee their homes.

The Duke has received over 20 four star reviews and is acclaimed for its clever blend of fantasy and reality as it gently challenges our priorities in a world full of crisis.

4 Stars

A fantastic and likeable storyteller

Edinburgh Festivals Magazine